miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2014

Trabajo sobre grillos cavernícolas en las Islas Filipinas

Se ha publicado recientemente en la revista EXTREME LIFE, BIOSPEOLOGY & ASTROIOLOGY, 6 (1), un trabajo sobre grillos de cuevas de las Islas Filipinas, titulado: "Species richness and abundance of cave-dwelling crickets on Siargao Island, Surigao Del Norte, Philippines" y firmado por Irhene Novises y Olga M. Nuñeza.

En este trabajo se presenta un informe sobre los grillos encontrados en 10 cuevas localizadas en las Islas Filipinas. Podéis descargar el trabajo en el siguiente enlace:

Os presentamos el resumen en inglés por si es de vuestro interés:


Cavernicolous crickets were surveyed in selected caves on Siargao Island, Surigao del Norte, Philippines to determine species richness, evenness, distribution, and abundance. Sampling was carried out in 10 caves using hand searching, direct counting, pitfall traps and sweep nets. Three species of crickets with 644 individuals were recorded in eight out of the 10 caves sampled. Ceuthophilus sp. which was observed on cave holes, bedrock ceilings, and on floors with guano deposits was found to be the most abundant. Pteronemobius sp., the second most abundant (42.92%) was observed on cave walls and crevices in the twilight zone. Only one individual of Gryllotalpa sp. was present in only one cave site. Results indicate that larger caves with more guano deposits, high relative humidity and low temperature have more number of crickets.

Enhorabuena por este trabajo tan interesante.